FAQ: ReFocus Tool

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What is the difference between a belief and an idea?

A belief is an idea that you feel certain about. We all have ideas that we may not believe. But a belief is something that you can back up with reasons and references that prove that it is true (at least, in your eyes). 

How can we change our beliefs?

By changing the reasons and references that support it as a truth (in your perception).

What is the definition of a 'limiting belief'?

We all have beliefs. Some of these beliefs empower us and give us positive energy and confidence. Other beliefs limit us by reminding us of our shortcomings and previous failures, thus breaking down our confidence. These are all stories in our heads, stories that we perceive to be real and true. Once we can replace our limiting beliefs with empowering ones, we can ‘unfreeze’ ourselves and achieve whatever we set our mind to.   

What is the biggest benefit of using the ReFocus Tool?

The fact that within 20 minutes of responding to the tool prompts, you walk away with immediate results: greater confidence in your ability to make changes in your life, and up to four actions you can take towards achieving your goal.

How safe is my ReFocus data?

Your privacy is paramount to us because we want you to use the ReFocus Tool on real challenges that are facing, ones that you would normally not share with anyone else. Therefore we have no access to your responses to the tool prompts, nor to your Personal ReFocus PDF which is sent to you by automated email. The only data we collect is your email address so that you can receive our ‘Insights and Inspiration’ and special offers.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to email me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.

 Lilian Eilers – CEO, The Blue Ocean Company 

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