Senior Leader NetWorkshops

Real answers. Real solutions.

If you are a senior business leader or HR professional looking for answers to issues that matter to you, then you’ve come to the right place.

Join our monthly virtual roundtable discussions with peers from around the globe, and engage in lively discussions in plenary and break-out rooms.

Tell us what you want to discuss. We apply a process used by innovation teams, so that you can give and get advice faster.

“Tap into a global community of like-minded learning and business professionals to exchange insights and discuss challenges that we all seem to share.”

Marina Vande Putte

Talent Development Lead, Eurocontrol

Register here for the February NetWorkshop

Date: Friday 26 February 2021

Time: 13.10 GMT / 14.10 CET


The business has moved online: how do you now influence your virtual team and gain commitment from behind a screen? 

This month’s NetWorkshop will be kicked off by Dr Eric Welch, Human Resources Director at ITER Organization, followed by lively facilitated discussions in plenary and break-out groups. 

If you are a business leader or HR/L&D Professional interested in leading more effective virtual meetings, then this (free) virtual roundtable will be well worth your time.

Use the Registration Form below and tell us what YOUR biggest challenge is in virtual influencing. Seats are limited to 20, so please register early to avoid disappointment.  



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“The pandemic has been terrible for many of us, but these are also times that are rich for change. Being able to exchange views with other senior business and HR leaders on these opportunities is time well invested.”

Dr. Eric Welch

Director of Human Resources, ITER Organization

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